Brigham Young University BYU Scholarships for New Freshman

Brigham Young University

Prospective new students may apply for BYU scholarships beginning in the term or semester after being accepted. All interested students must submit a scholarship application by the deadline in order to be considered.

First-year students’ financial needs as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid will now be taken into consideration (FAFSA). For purposes of granting, we will err on the side of caution and deem students who do not present this federal need analysis to not have any financial needs. Also, because taking the ACT and SAT is difficult in many places, the results will be optional.

1. The Russell M. Nelson Award

The Russell M. Nelson Scholarship is the most prestigious one offered by Brigham Young University. Recipients are the most intellectually gifted students who apply to universities. Yet, the fellowship is not simply awarded based on academic performance.

Also, honorees must demonstrate the highest levels of leadership, honesty, witness, commitment to the Church, and modesty in speech, deed, attire, and grooming in order to serve as role models for the values outlined in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet.

Each year, 50 freshmen who are new to the program get this scholarship, which is worth 150% of Latter-day Saint tuition for eight semesters. Applicants must complete the essay portion of the standard scholarship application. The scholarship committee will review that information in addition to the information from the admissions application in order to determine the scholarship recipients.

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2. Scholarship for National Merit

If you are a National Merit finalist and have listed BYU as your top preference university, it is possible, but not certain, that you will receive a BYU-sponsored National Merit Scholarship, which pays full LDS tuition for eight semesters.

National Merit Scholarships are sponsored by three different organizations. A scholarship may be presented by a college, a business, or National Merit. A list of all applicants who listed the university as their top preference is subsequently sent to each institution, together with the scholarships that will be funded by National Merit and companies. The list is examined, and then the kids BYU wants to help are selected.

To be selected as the winner of a BYU-sponsored National Merit Scholarship, a student must first be qualified for a Russell M. Nelson Scholarship or a Heritage Scholarship. If a student is awarded one of these two scholarships, is a finalist for the National Merit Scholarship with BYU as their first choice school, and is neither sponsored by National Merit nor by a business, BYU will select them as a National Merit Scholar.

If a student is sponsored by National Merit or a company, they are not eligible to receive a BYU-supported National Merit Scholarship. All National Merit picks will be made public starting on June 1.

If a student is awarded the Heritage Scholarship before being selected to receive the National Merit Scholarship, which is funded by BYU, the National Merit Scholarship will replace it. The National Merit provides complete tuition coverage for 8 semesters. The $500 base National Merit stipend is part of the total tuition. There is no increase in the student’s cost.

A student will receive both the monetary award of the Russell M. Nelson Scholarship (presidential scholarship) and the distinction of being a National Merit scholar if he or she is a finalist for both awards. As mandated by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, the merit stipend would be $500. The Presidential Scholarship would be added to the annual National Merit stipend to provide the student a total grant of 150% of LDS tuition for eight semesters.

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3. Competition for the Sterling Scholarship

The Sterling Scholar Prize Program is jointly funded by Deseret News and KSL. It recognizes Utah high school seniors who have achieved exceptionally well in their academic careers.

There are numerous categories in which students can compete. In high school competitions, there can be only one nomination per category, and each contestant can only compete in one category. Each high school is free to choose how to select candidates. They select a semi-finalist from among the nominees, who then competes at the regional level.

The Wasatch Front, Northeast Utah, Central Utah, Southwest Utah, and Southeast Utah make up the five geographical regions. Students who place first in their category at the regional (or final) level are eligible for a full-member tuition scholarship to BYU for two semesters.

If a student is qualified for another scholarship from the Financial Aid Office in addition to the Sterling Scholarship, we will provide the student the scholarship with the greater monetary value. For instance, if a student qualifies for a half-tuition scholarship and is a Sterling Scholar winner in their region, we may give them the Sterling Scholarship. They will not be given the Sterling Scholarship if they are chosen as the winner and satisfy the requirements for a full tuition scholarship.

A student must apply for admission to BYU for the Fall semester right after high school graduation in order to be eligible for the Sterling Scholarship if they want to serve a mission right after graduation. The scholarship will be postponed while they are on their mission. If they don’t get it right away after high school graduation, they won’t be able to postpone it.

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