5 Steps To Study In Germany For Free

5 Steps To Study In Germany For Free

Germany is often called the land of ideas and opportunities. She is also one of the study abroad destinations that international students crave.

I am interested in studying in Germany for free. Therefore, if you are always thinking about the opportunity to study abroad for free, you should consider studying in Germany.

The majority of German state-run universities offer free higher education programs, although some programs that are considered highly specialized may incur tuition fees. That said, while you hope to study in Germany for free, you should consider setting some cash aside for such situations.

In such cases, applicants are usually only required to pay administrative fees. This is paid at the beginning of each year.

Let’s get straight to the point of this article.

Steps to study in Germany for free

What you can study in Germany is not only open to German citizens. International students are also welcome to take advantage of this opportunity.

Below are the steps you need to take to reach your goal of studying in Germany for free.

  • select course
  • educational expenses
  • Apply to your desired university
  • Apply for a German student visa
  • login successful

Now that we’ve mentioned these, let’s talk a little bit more about each.

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How to Study Overseas at Low Costs Or Lesser Fees

1. Choose a course

This is probably the first step. As a student who wants to study in Germany or another country, it is important to pay attention to your choice of study program. It is worth noting that the Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has a database containing over 17,000 programs. Candidates can choose among these offered by Germany’s top universities.

Of these programs, 88 are taught in English. For this reason, it is recommended that students wishing to study in Germany have a basic knowledge of the German language before applying.

2. Cost of studying in germany

Yes, I understand that this post is about studying abroad in Germany for free. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need money to do anything. It may be free of charge, but students must pay an administration fee. This will be paid at the beginning of each year/semester.

According to their economic framework and their respective fee structure, German universities require students to provide a monthly amount to cover their living in Germany. This money is usually deposited into blocked accounts.

Costs vary by state and range from €685 to €750 per month. If you do the math, that’s around 8,600 euros for the entire academic session.

These costs include accommodation, living expenses and possibly passport costs.

3. Apply to your desired university in Germany

This is considered the third step. Once you have decided on your course of study in Germany, the next step is to apply or enroll in the university of your choice.

Admission requirements vary from school to school, so we encourage you to research the admission requirements of the exact school you are interested in.

However, as a benchmark, it is important for candidates wishing to study in Germany to be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of the German language. Most German universities may also require IELTS or TOEFL scores as standard.

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4. Apply for a German student visa

This is another important step towards continuing your studies in Germany. In order to be able to stay in Germany as a student for more than 90 days, applicants who want to study in Germany need a German residence permit or student visa.

To go through this process, the candidate must prove to her VISA officer that she has sufficient funds for at least one year.

As mentioned earlier in this post, schooling in Germany costs €685-750 per month, or €8,200 per year.

5. Successful admission in Germany

Once you have decided on the degree program and university in Germany you are interested in, the next big step is admission. This includes admission to the school of your choice.

Applicants are encouraged to register several weeks before the official application deadline. This will give you enough time to collect and submit all the necessary documents and fill out the forms, saving you last-minute hassles.

Once your application has been accepted and you have applied for your student visa, the next step, if you happen to be traveling from Germany, is to travel to Germany. This means that you are considered an international student.

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