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Healthcare Scholarship 2023

Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship

Candidates who want their submissions for the Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship 2023 to be taken into consideration are highly encouraged to do so. Ten young social entrepreneurs will receive assistance with their concepts, hastening their leadership development.

Students at Novartis are young people committed to advancing the understanding of health and mental wellness problems that affect nurses, healthcare workers, medical students, and volunteers working in the mental wellness and healthcare industries.

With more than 250 years of experience delivering cutting-edge solutions to healthcare’s most difficult problems, Novartis’ medical therapies strive to lengthen and enrich people’s lives.

The Forbes 2021 Top Admired Pharmaceutical Companies list was recently published. Novartis aspires for innovation in both technology and access tactics for its products as one of the global healthcare companies working to provide high-quality medications that address society’s most pressing health concerns through advancements in R&D and creative access initiatives.

The purpose of Our Group Our team’s objective is to put the needs of patients first when developing ground-breaking therapies and figuring out creative ways to deliver medical care to people who are ill or in pain, all in an effort to improve access, lower illness rates, and create a more sustainable global healthcare system.

The objective of Novartis as a company is to maximize employee potential. While pursuing their objectives and advancing society, our personnel ought to feel confident and at peace.

Novartis aspires to further develop its spirit of Inspiration Curiosity through the Novartis Reimagining the Healthcare Scholarship One Young World program.

Young professionals who share our ambition to progress healthcare have a chance to get involved in saving lives and making our earth a better place thanks to Curiosity Unbossed.

Future leaders, such as professionals, nursing volunteers, or medical students, who concentrate on assisting or advancing significant challenges within mental health and healthcare services are represented by Novartis scholars.

The scholarship will help 10 social entrepreneurs with their ideas and professions as well as with advancing along the leadership route.

Country: Belfast, Ireland

Sponsor: Novartis Postgraduate Program Level

Nationality: Internationally Diverse

Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship

Benefits of the Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship for 2023–2024:

  • The One Young World 2023 Summit is being given here in Belfast, United Kingdom, from October 2–5.
  • For the period of 1 to 6 October, hotel accommodations in Belfast will include transportation (economy class). On conference days, meals (breakfast, lunch, and supper) are covered.

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Sceligibility requirements:

Applicants must meet the following criteria in order to be considered for the Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship:

  • The age range for candidates is between 18 and 30 years old.
  • The grant is open to international students from any countries. Those from countries that are often underrepresented at The One Young World Summit may receive preference from One Young World.
  • Candidates cannot be employed by Novartis. The candidate must, in some capacity, make a constructive contribution to the healthcare industry.

The Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship 2023–2024 application process is as follows:

Students can apply before the deadline via the Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship 2023-2024’s entirely online application process through the official website.

Application Deadline :

The Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholarship 2023-2024 Application Deadline is juns 28, 2023.

Apply now on the official website.



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