UK New Immigration Rules for Refugee Settlement

Individuals who are in the UK on a protection route – i.e., those that are granted exile standing or humanitarian protection, and their dependants – have their own specific route to settlement (also called Indefinite Leave to stay within the UK). See below for UK New Immigration Rules.

The rules on settlement for these people are ruled by the new Appendix Settlement Protection, that from 06 October 2021 replaced paragraph 339R-T of the Immigration Rules.

Those on protection routes don’t qualify for settlement automatically, associate degreed should create an application when outlay 5 years within the United Kingdom.

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When to use for refugee Settlement?

Individuals within the protection route square measure eligible for settlement when finishing 5 years within the United Kingdom with permission to remain on the route. However, people should conjointly apply before the end of their five-year grant of permission. The end date are displayed on the Biometric Residence allow granted to people within the protection route. If a private doesn’t create associate degree application for settlement before this grant of leave expires, they’ll become associate degree overstayer.

While it’s necessary for applications to be created on time, they ought to not be created too early. the house workplace steering advises that “Applications ought to be created within the last month of an individual’s permission to remain.” Applications created “significantly earlier” than this (defined within the guidance as more than 3 months remaining on the five-year grant of leave) are refused unless there square measure exceptional circumstances.

Which Dependants will Apply for Settlement?


For the dependant of a main soul to be eligible for settlement as a partner, they have to are granted leave in-line with a main applicant United Nations agency was granted exile standing or humanitarian protection in accordance with the definition of dependants began in Paragraph 349 of the Immigration Rules. A partner who wasn’t granted protection leave in line with the most applicant cannot apply for settlement through this route.

The relationship between the soul and their partner should be real and subsisting, and also the soul and partner should will still live along as partners within the United Kingdom.

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For the dependant of a main applicant to be eligible for settlement as a baby, they have to either are granted leave in-line with a main soul who was granted exile standing or humanitarian protection, or they have to are born within the United Kingdom whereas the most soul had permission to remain within the protection route.

If associate degree application isn’t created on behalf of a baby born within the United Kingdom till when the most soul is granted settlement within the protection route, the house Office’s steering states that this could not be command against the soul.

Family reunion

Partners and youngsters who were granted leave in-line beneath the family reunion policy, having met the wants of Paragraphs 352A to 352G of the Immigration Rules, are eligible to use beneath Appendix Settlement Protection.

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Other Potential problems in Settlement Applications beneath the Protection Route

Cessation of exile standing

When considering stop of exile standing, the house workplace can take into account whether or not there are any important and non-temporary changes to the applicant’s country situation specified a worry of ill-treatment will now not be regarded as sensible or there’s now not a true risk of great hurt. The changes should be specified the explanations for the grant of protection standing have ceased to exist.

The Home workplace also will consider whether or not the applicant’s personal circumstances have modified specified the initial reasons for the grant of protection now not exist, and they might safely come to their country of origin.


The decision maker also will conduct checks to ascertain whether or not the individual has traveled back to their country of origin or country of former habitual residence while not the data of the house workplace, or whether or not they have obtained a passport from the national authorities of their country of origin or their country of former habitual residence.

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Suitability needs (criminality, conduct or associations)

Applications should be refused beneath Appendix Settlement Protection wherever an applicant:

a) has been condemned of a criminal offence within the United Kingdom or overseas that they need received a tutelary sentence of 4 years or more; or
(b) has been condemned of a criminal offence within the United Kingdom or overseas that they need received a tutelary sentence of a minimum of twelve months however but four years, unless a amount of fifteen years has passed since the tip of their sentence; or

(c) has been condemned of a criminal offence within the United Kingdom or overseas that they need received a tutelary sentence of but twelve months, unless a amount of seven years has passed since the tip of their sentence; or

(d) inside the twenty four months before the date on that the applying for settlement is determined, has been condemned of, or admitted to associate degree offence within the United Kingdom or overseas that they need received a non-custodial sentence, or received associate degree out-of-court disposal that’s recorded on their criminal record; or

(e) could be a persistent wrongdoer United Nations agency shows a specific disregard for the law; or

(f) has committed a criminal offence, or offences, that caused serious harm; or

(g) wherever a grant of settlement isn’t contributive to the general public sensible due to their conduct, character, associations or different reasons (including convictions that don’t fall inside the criminality grounds) or as a result of they represent a threat to national security.

Applications are refused wherever a refusal would be contributive to the public sensible due to the individual’s conduct, character, associations or different reasons (including convictions that don’t fall inside the opposite parts of the suitability criteria) or the very fact they represent a threat to national security. These assessments are created on a independent basis.

In a modification from previous policy before Gregorian calendar month 2021, those candidates whose settlement applications square measure refused could also be granted associate degree extension of their exile standing or humanitarian protection, instead of Discretionary Leave as was antecedently the case.

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