UK Visa for Care Workers ; Home Careers: Update

As we tend to according last month, in an endeavor to alleviate current pressure on the health and social care system as a results of Covid-19, the house workplace recently declared that the united kingdom Health and Care employee visa is to be opened to overseas care staff, care assistants and residential careers. See below for more details on UK Visa for Care Workers & Home Careers.

More details have currently been free during a Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules HC1019 revealed on 24 January 2022.

Read also: UK Business Visas & Shareholder Requirements

Health & Care Visa gap to additional Care staff

From 15 February 2022, care staff are going to be eligible to be sponsored for a Health and Care employee visa. To the list of normal activity Classification (SOC) Codes that meet the eligibility necessities for a Health and Care employee visa are going to be added:

6145 Care staff and residential careers
Related eligible job titles can embrace Care assistant, Care employee, Career, Home care assistant, Home career and Support employee (nursing home).

The amendment is being accomplished by disapplying the need of the trained worker route for the duty provide to be one that involves duties and responsibilities involving skills admire RQF level three, that is loosely admire grade of skills obtained through A-levels.

Removing the talents threshold can permit care staff to qualify for a Health and Care employee visa.

Read also: Deception Refusals and UK Visit Visa Applications

Care staff additional to the Shortage Occupation List

At constant time, care staff, home careers and connected job titles are being additional to the Shortage Occupation List, that means that they will have the benefit of lower regular payment necessities and application fees than alternative good staff.

An applier with employment provide for employment as a care employee, home career or connected eligible job title can got to be paid a regular payment that is a minimum of capable whichever is that the highest of £20,480 per or £10.10 per hour.

Read also: Parent of a Child Student Visa Application Guide

Where a Certificate of support has been issued to a care employee to remain within the United Kingdom for three years or less, the applying fee are going to be £232.

Wherever a Certificate of support has been issued for a care employee to remain within the United Kingdom for three years or additional, the applying fee are going to be £464.

This application fee are going to be mechanically reduced by £55 for nationals of: Oesterreich, Belgium, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden or Turkey.

Read also: How to get a Visitor Visa for UK

Home Careers should Be Sponsored by associate Organization

The Home workplace has confirmed that while home careers are going to be eligible for a Health & Care employee visa, home careers can solely be able to be sponsored on the route if they’re operating for associate organisation that is in a position to satisfy the support demand.

In alternative words, personal households and people won’t be able to sponsor home careers unless they’re a sole bargainer sponsoring somebody to figure for his or her business.

Criminal Record demand for Care staff
The Home workplace has conjointly processed that, in line with alternative care-related occupations, care staff can got to offer a record certificate from any country they need been gift sure 12 months or additional within the previous ten years, and whereas aged 18 or over.

Check if an occupation code is eligible for this visa

Your job must be in one of the following occupation codes to qualify for the Health and Care Worker visa:

  • 1181: health services and public health managers and directors
  • 1242: residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietors
  • 2112: biological scientists and biochemists
  • 2113: physical scientists
  • 2211: medical practitioners
  • 2212: psychologists
  • 2213: pharmacists
  • 2214: ophthalmic opticians
  • 2215: dental practitioners
  • 2217: medical radiographers
  • 2218: podiatrists
  • 2219: health professionals that are ‘not elsewhere classified’, such as audiologists and occupational health advisers
  • 2221: physiotherapists
  • 2222: occupational therapists
  • 2223: speech and language therapists
  • 2229: therapy professionals that are ‘not elsewhere classified’, such as osteopaths and psychotherapists
  • 2231: nurses
  • 2232: midwives
  • 2442: social workers
  • 3111: laboratory technicians
  • 3213: paramedics
  • 3216: dispensing opticians
  • 3217: pharmaceutical technicians
  • 3218: medical and dental technicians
  • 3219: health associate professionals not elsewhere classified
  • 6141: nursing auxiliaries and assistants
  • 6143: dental nurses
  • 6145: care workers and home carers
  • 6146: senior care workers

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