Studying in Canada Simplified — A Step-by-Step Guide for International Students

If you’ve ever considered studying in Canada, then you’re in the right place. Yes, it’s a dream of many because not everyone knows the actual steps to studying in Canada.

I want to study in Canada. Where do I start?

What’s the first step I should take before I study in Canada?

What will come first- applying for a study permit or an admission in a Canadian school or college?

If you are looking for answers to questions like these, then what you’ll need is a simplified step-by-step guide to study in Canada.

Read on for an easy detailed guide on what an international student needs to do for studying in Canada.

See below for more details.

Read also: Sponsoring your Loved Ones in Canada

Step 1—Admission in a DLI for Studying in Canada

The first step to start Studying in Canada is to get an admission in a Canadian educational institution. And the first step in this step is to search for a Designated Learning Institution or DLI.

Why DLI? Well, an abroad student can study in Canada only if he/she gets admission in a DLI.

All Secondary and primary educational establishments in Canada are DLIs, which means you’re able to gain admission in any such institution without any worries about if your study permit application will get being rejected.

Not every post-secondary colleges in Canada are DLIs, which means you’ll need to check whether the college that you are selecting is a DLI and if it can admit foreign students.

This is a very important step because non-DLIs can’t admit abroad students. So, make sure you check the college’s DLI status on the official Canada immigration website before you start seeking admission.

Read also: Crimes That Will Make You Inadmissible to Canada

Step 2—Apply and Get Formal Acceptance Letter

Once you have finalized the course, program, and the DLI, then it’s time to complete admission formalities and get a formal acceptance letter. This is official proof that you have been accepted as an international student in Canada and that you can move to the next step to get a study permit.

Read also: Can a Study Permit be Changed to a Work Permit in Canada?

Step 3—Apply for Study Permit for Studying in Canada

Once the admission process is complete and you are assured of a place in the study program of your choice in Canada, it’s time to apply for a study permit and get formal permission from the Canadian government to enter and study in the country.

Read also: Do I Need a Study Permit to Study Online in Canada?

Step 3.1—Check SDS Eligibility

Student Direct Stream (SDS) presents faster processing of study permit applications to citiens of 14 countries. While the standard processing takes up to 3 months, SDS can help you get the study permit in just about 20 days.

If eligible for SDS, then you may have to submit certain documents like evidence of clean crime record and good well being or health before-hand as compared to standard processing.

One unique requirement to SDS is the submission of Guaranteed Investment Certificate of up to CAN$10,000. This is just like an advance payment submitted with your study permit application and would be refunded to you during your first year of stay in Canada.

Read also: Easiest Ways to Immigrate to Canada in 2022

Step 3.2—Having Complete Study Permit Formalities

Apart from if you are eligible for SDS or not, the standard procedure for the study permit remains the same. You’ll need to apply for the permit and submit various documents and evidences related to-

      • Admission in DLI
      • Payment of tuition fee for the 1st year
      • Guaranteed Investment Certificate, if possible
      • Clean crime record
      • Medical Fitness
      • Your Identity and Nationality
      • Statement of Purpose explaining why you want to Studying in Canada
      • Intent to leave Canada at the end of the study course.

Read also: Top Four Best Provinces in Canada for New Immigrants

Step 4—Get a Letter of Introduction

The study permit permits you to study in Canada but you’ll need another visa to enter Canada. To be let in at the port of entry, you’ll either need a visitor visa or a Temporary Resident Visa.

Normally, you’ll be issued a Letter of Introduction at  approval of your study permit application. This could be used to enter Canada then your study permit will serve as proof of your legal status in Canada.

Read also: Do I Need a Study Permit to Study Online in Canada?

Once you have the study permit and the necessary documents to enter Canada, you can proceed to plan your entry and to start Studying in Canada.

A step-by-step guide may make the entire process seem very easy. However, the truth is this is a very complicated process with a lot of scopes for complications and issues.

From your financial strength for Studying in Canada to proof of intent to return after graduating—there are many points that’ll be decided on the judgment of the immigration officer.

So, the best option would be to work with an expert immigration professional so that you are prepared for every scenario and won’t face a situation where your study permit is delayed or rejected despite your best efforts.


Is it better to be Studying in Canada?

Studying in Canada gives you access to top education, study facilities and work experience. Also, education is cheaper in Canada than in any other popular study destinations in the world.

The immigration policies in Canada are less strict which lets you easily settle and live there.

What is the average cost of Studying in Canada?

The average cost of studying could vary from an average of $13000 to $40000 yearly, depending on the course and university

What are the popular courses in Canada?

These are some of the popular courses to study in Canada: BSc Nursing, BBA, MS in Computer Science, Masters in Business Analytics, Masters in Management, Masters in Finance, Masters in Data Science, LLM, Masters in Mechanical Engineering, MBA.

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