How to Move to Europe Without a Job: 5 Surefire Ways

Wondering how to move to Europe without a job? Is that possible? Yes, it is possible to move to Europe without working!

The process isn’t easy, but if you really want to move to Europe, it should motivate you to not give up and get through the hard parts.

How to move to Europe without a job

1. Move to Europe as a student

The best way to move to Europe without working is to get a student visa and study there. Whether it’s a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree or a language school, in many European countries this is the most common and easiest way.

Not only are the tuition fees often very low, but once you graduate, many universities will issue you another visa that you use to look for a job.

In the UK you have six months after graduation, much less than in other European countries.

In Spain and France you can get an annual visa. There is also an option to extend if nothing is found yet.

You can also legally work part-time while studying in most countries.

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2. Create a job for yourself

Moving abroad with an existing job is much easier, but there are ways around this. Working independently is probably one of the best options he has.

It may seem like a vague and unattainable goal, but it is actually achievable by anyone.

Whether it’s an online English teacher building a customer list so you can teach from anywhere, a designer creating pins for bloggers, or even someone selling digital prints on Etsy.

There are many ways to work for yourself. Any skill you have (or want to develop) can be used this way. Promote your business through Facebook groups and Instagram. Once you have a client, he or she, you can get referrals and work for them.

Many people just want to learn what they know. Whether you’re a yoga teacher, life coach, marketing consultant, or other profession, there are people willing to pay for the opportunity to learn from you.

Some want to learn your skills to benefit from it. If you don’t think you have the talent to turn into a business, consider getting into technology.

3. spend a gap year on savings

Many European countries offer “visitor” visas that allow him to stay in the country for more than a year, as long as he shows proof of savings.

The main barrier to entry here is that the amount of money required for a savings account can be quite high.

Savings in Europe are expected to last him a year, so from $35,000 he needs $45,000 in savings.

There are many people who can get a visa even if they apply for less than that, so it seems worth trying!

However, you cannot come to Europe and look for a job legally with this type of visa.

4. Exchange work for accommodation with Workaway

If you only want to move to Europe for a few months, consider coming on a tourist visa and staying on a workaway.

Workaway is a website where you can find people in Europe (and around the world) who are willing to host you in their homes in exchange for work.

My job includes gardening, drawing, babysitting, and teaching English. They also serve your meal. This could be a good way to move to Europe without a job and finally see which country you want to visit.

He can only be in the Schengen area for 90 days at a time (and then 90 days outside), but to Eastern Europe he can travel for 90 days to see if any of these countries are a better fit. I can.

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5. Get a hometown job with international opportunities

I’ll put this last because it’s not a quick fix to your problem, but it might work better in the long run.

Instead of going straight to Europe without a job, you can find a job with international branches in your country. When hiring, please confirm that there is a possibility of overseas relocation.

Suitable companies for this are travel agencies, banks, airlines, etc. He will need to work for more than a year in his home country before he can go abroad.

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