Support Assistant – PWK High School Needed In Canada


Job details

Here’s how the job details align with your job preferences. Manage job preferences anytime in your profile
  • Education: High school diploma or GED
  • Pay: $66,000–$79,000 a year
  • Job type: Full-time
This work opening is restricted to inhabitants living inside 25 kilometers of Fort Smith,NT. 

Division Data

The South Slave Divisional Instruction Committee is the administering instruction body for the South Slave Division as administered beneath the Instruction Act. Built up as a enterprise at arm’s length from the Regional Government, the SSDEC comprises of one part chosen from each of the five locally chosen Area Instruction Specialists (DEAs) that speak to the communities of Fortification Smith, Fortification Determination, Feed Waterway, Lutsel K’e and K’atlodeeche. The SSDEC serves around 1300 understudies in eight schools, is capable for a staff of around 185 directors, instructors and bolster staff and a budget of over 25 million.

The Administrator and staff of the SSDEC give proficient exhortation; instructive, regulatory, specialized and money related administrations; checking and back and help to the SSDEC, community-based DEAs and their secretary treasurers, school chairmen and staff, partners, individuals of the open, and especially, understudies and their families in arrange to guarantee the conveyance of quality instructive programs and administrations inside the division.

support Assistant

Work Information

The Support Assistant (SA) is mindful for helping with instruction and giving bolster and support to understudies analyzed with uncommon needs and/ or who require extra consideration in arrange to guarantee all understudies have the opportunity for a effective and important learning encounter. The SA works beneath the Instruction Act and the approaches and strategies set up by the area, locale and school.

You’ll report to the Central of Paul William Kaeser Highschool, Program Back Instructor and/or Classroom Instructors. The position is dependable for helping with actualizing specialized and altered learning and education activities in arrange to supply a positive learning involvement for understudies with extraordinary needs or understudies who require extra bolster.

The Support Assistant (SA) is mindful for working with extraordinary needs/additional needs students either exclusively or in little bunches to supply scholastic assistance in primarily center zones such as perusing and math. The SA is additionally capable for ensuring that extraordinary needs/additional needs understudies are given with positive learning situations and have an opportunity to memorize successful tuning in and communications aptitudes, and great work propensities. In specific, the SA is capable for helping with execution of Individualized Instruction Plans (IEPs) so that understudies are given with a learning environment that advances a sense of achievement and self-confidence.

Regularly, the over capabilities would be achieved by: Completion of Review 12 combined with related preparing in working with extraordinary needs understudies and involvement in an instructive environment. Equivalencies may be considered

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Fort Smith HR Client Service Centre
Department of Finance
Government of the Northwest Territories
BOX 876
Tel (867) 872-6500
Fax (867) 872-3298

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