Bauhaus-Universität Weimar President’s Scholarship

This is to inform the general public that calls for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar President’s Scholarship in Germany Scholarships 2022/23 are now open. As a rule, the University’s awarding committee for scholarships will select the scholarship holders either in February or March.

Scholarship award

  • 1 Scholarship (the investment is subject to the provision of funds in the 2022/23 funding year)
  • 450 euros per month for 12 months
  • As a rule, funding is starting in April; at least, in January 2022.

Eligibility for Bauhaus-Universität Weimar President’s Scholarship

International students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar who are particularly involved in intercultural exchange

Requirements for awards:

  • special motivation and aptitude for studying at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (for instance interdisciplinarity in interests and studies)
  • third-party engagement during studies at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar , for instance in intercultural initiatives and projects, exchange, as a tutor, etc.
  • at least good academic performance already achieved at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
  • social aspects

Funding requirements

  • Candidates must be enrolled in a course of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
  • A Bauhaus President Scholarship may not be awarded to candidates who are already receiving public funding.
  • Scholarship holders are just permitted to work in a part-time job according to the relevant regulations.
  • Funding recipients are all expected to submit a final report.


Application Procedure

Please use the online application form with file upload for your application documents (in German or English).

Please you will have to upload your application (and needed documents, maximum. 15 MB) as one PDF file. The file name should include your first and last name. Please include the following documents in the order shown below:

  1. Letter of motivation (max. 2 pages)
  2. Curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Proof of your achievement in your course of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar:
    overview of grades incl. grade point average (e.g. BISON print out or in form of a performance report by your faculty’s examination office)
  4. If applicable: copies of diplomas/bachelor’s degree of previously earned degrees
  5. Proof of extracurricular commitment (e.g. certificates, confirmation of participation)
  6. If available: Proof of German language proficiency corresponding to the requirements of your degree programme (An exception is made if the candidate provides a copy of a previous degree awarded by a German-language university.)
  7. If applicable: explanation of special personal backgrounds and biographical hurdles such as caring for children, caring for relatives, disability or chronic illness, (educational) background of parents, migration background, experience of discrimination, etc.

 – separate submission by the professor:

8. PLEASE NOTE – separate submission by the professor: Submit the letter of recommendation separately online as a pdf file via the respective professor by 31st January 2022. For better comparability, please use the “Letter of Recommendation Form” and send it to stipendien[at]

The application deadline for 2022/23 is for most formats is January 31, 2022.

  • Applications would only be considered if they’re complete and submitted before the final application deadline.
  • An application cannot be considered without one letter of recommendation.
  • There’s no legal entitlement to the award of having a scholarship.

Scholarship for dedicated international students

Scholarship holder 2019 (photo: Henry Sowinski)

1. Who is eligible to apply?
International students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar who are particularly involved in intercultural exchange

Criteria for awards:

  • special motivation and aptitude for studying at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (for instance interdisciplinarity in interests and studies)
  • extracurricular engagement during studies at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar , for example in intercultural exchange, initiatives and projects, as a tutor, etc.
  • at least acceptable good academic performance already achieved at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
  • social aspects

2. How is funding awarded?
1 Scholarship (the investment is subject to the provision of funds in the 2022/23 funding year)

450 euros per month for 12 months
As a rule, funding is starting in April; as soon as, January 2022.

Scholarships 2022/23 – apply now!

The calls are now open. As a rule, the awarding committee for scholarships of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar will select the scholarship holders in February/March. The application deadline for 2022/23 is for most formats

January 31, 2022.

  • Applications would only be considered if they’re complete and submitted before the application deadline.
  • An application can’t be considered without one letter of recommendation.
  • There’s no legal entitlement to the award of a scholarship.

Please make sure you use the online application form with file upload for your application documents (in English or German).

Please also upload your application (and other needed documents, maximum 15 MB) as a PDF file. The file should include your first and last name. Please also include the following documents in the order as shown below:

  1. Letter of motivation (maximum of 2 pages)
  2. A Curriculum vitae (CV)
  3. Proof of your achievement in your particular course of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar:
    overview of grades including grade point average (example BISON print out or in form of a performance report by your faculty’s exam office)
  4. If applicable: copies of diplomas/bachelor’s degree of previously earned degrees
  5. Proof of extracurricular commitment (e.g. certificates and confirmation of participation)
  6. If necessary and available: Proof of German language proficiency fitting to the requirements of your degree programme (An exception can be made if the candidate provides a copy of a previous degree awarded by a German-language university.)
  7. If applicable: explanation of special personal backgrounds and biographical hurdles such as caring for children, caring for relatives, disability or chronic illness, (educational) background of parents, experience of discrimination, migration background, etc.

NOTE – a separate submission by the professor:

8. Please be sure to submit the letter of recommendation online as a separate pdf file via the respective professor by 31st January 2022. For much better comparability, be sure to use the “Letter of Recommendation Form” and send it to stipendien[at]

The Scholarship Commission of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is expected to decide on the award of the scholarships in February. In addition to the award criteria of academic performance, personal voluntary work/interdisciplinarity and commitment, social aspects, biographical hurdles and the individual potential of students in their current life situation could be taken into account.

  • Attempting o deceive by applicants will lead to immediate exclusion from the application process. A further application will not be possible in this case.
  • Decisions of the committee won’t be justified towards the applicants due to the absolute confidentiality of the selection procedure.

The awarding is subject to the availability of funds in the funding year 22/23.

Prof. Dr. Winfried Speitkamp, President
Chair of the Scholarship Commission of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

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